What Respondents Are Saying on StopSHRM.org

Over 200 comments (pros & cons) have been received.

(Some comments edited to maintain anonymity.)

It’s so obvious that this decision to create a “new” certification is about money. But the association should have a separation of “church and state” with the accreditation organization not the same company. In addition, phr/sphr are recognized in and out of the hr industry and are the gold standard. The new shrm certifications are meaningless. While I may do the grandfather because it’s free, I would never give up my gold standard hrci certification for this.
12/18/2014 4:17 PM

My concerns with the new SHRM credentialing are considerable to me, and enough to make me serious consider my SHRM membership when it comes up for renewal. To me, it appears that this is a money-making ply – that SHRM wants a “cut” on the financial aspect of credentialing and has done nothing to dissuade that opinion in their subsequent statements. Furthermore, they insist that this was born out of their concern that the HRCI requirements were not stringent enough. However, they have (over the years) consistenly backed, and in fact, provided study materials, for the very test that they now proclaim as “inadequate and lacking.” Supposedly, SHRM has created this new exam to make the credentialing more meaningful. However, they are already “mudding the pool” of candidates (according to their standards) by allowing all of us with these sub-par HRCI credentials to be “grandfathered” and not have to take the test. They are talking out of both sides of their mouth. If they truly feel that the HRCI credentials don’t hold the same high standard that SHRM expects, they should ask that everyone take their test and now allow us to just skip that part. TO me that shows that it’s more about the money and numbers than anything else.
12/17/2014 9:57 AM

Several professions have more than one certifying body/option…I do not feel that my PHR would be de-valued by the new SHRM certifications.

12/16/2014 9:22 PM

I applaud what you are doing, but please know this is a huge undertaking. Given the size of SHRM, it will take several thousand members taking action to get their attention.
12/16/2014 8:38 PM

I think that enough concern has been raised that SHRM has a responsibility to better articulate their vision and purpose in creating a separate certification process. If it ain’t broke….
12/16/2014 4:12 PM

As a newbie in HR as a recruiter, all I have known is the HRCI credentialing body. I also hold a master’s in Human Resources Management. When I first heard of this situation, I was wondering what does this mean for me in the very near future. However, I am choosing to trudge on and hopefully attain my PHR in the latter part of June. I am excited to get started and a little hesitant at the same time. At present, I am enrolled in the HR.com online prep course that starts for me February 9th, 2014. I hear that the exam is very through and intricate; hence, the low pass rate, but I am willing to take that leap, study and give it my all. I will not be an advocate for SHRM’s certification because I don’t agree with the basis of how they’re establishing themselves.
12/16/2014 2:01 PM

In summary, this was a control/money grab. They wanted to own HRCI and disband the HRCI board. When they were told to pound sand, they took their ball and walked away, all under the guise of “what’s best for the profession”. Hank Jackson is as disingenuous as they come and I want no part of SHRM.
12/16/2014 12:56 PM

I was a member of SHRM for about 30 years. I was sad to let that membership purposely lapse, but I don’t feel the organization supports my profession any more.
12/16/2014 8:32 AM

Is it also possible to remove Mr. Jackson, CPA, and reverse the years of damage under his leadership? See SHRM Members for Transparency for details.
12/16/2014 12:23 AM

I already felt as though SHRM does not really know their members. An example is that they do not provide affordable in-person training for those of us who do not get employer support. I really feel the disconnect now.

11/30/2014 10:36 PM

I think this train is out of the station.
11/28/2014 11:51 AM

Thank you for putting this survey together. Not sure how many responses you have gotten but I encourage you to keep advertising its availability.
11/4/2014 9:58 AM

I have never seen the need for any of these certifications. As a senior benefits professional with over 15 years experience I don’t think this would help me in my career. I think these certificates are great for generalist in HR – business partners, directors etc. But not needed for comp and benefit specialists. I do support your cause. There is no need to create yet another group of certificate programs.
10/24/2014 4:13 PM

As long as the membership has as it CEO a non hr person who cannot even become certified all is lost. We need to utilize a social networking program that will allow us to create a petition that members would sign insisting the board resign.
10/24/2014 1:09 PM

Too many “certifying” organizations diminishes not only the credibility of the current and new certifying organizations, but also of the entire field/industry. It is hard enough to be an HR professional and have your “business-skills” questioned; but now to have to defend what sort of credentials you have certifying your skill set will only make it that much harder for the serious HR professional. Whatever internal nonsense is ongoing between SHRM and HRCI, they need to work it out for the good of the entire profession. Remember, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, and if they can just break away and create their own certification, so can the next group.
10/20/2014 4:37 PM

Thanks. I would send money but am not in a position to do so at this time.
10/16/2014 2:35 PM

Whatever the issue is between SHRM and HRCI they did to come to an agreement and fix the issue. HRCI certification is finally recognized by employers as the accreditation they look for in HR Professionals. HR Professionals have paid and studied to get their certification and now SHRM is basically telling them it is not good enough. Be Professional SHRM work out the differences with HRCI and work for your membership and do what’s best for them. SHRM should initiate the same type survey to all members of SHRM to get an accurate representation of how the SHRM members feel about this new program.
10/16/2014 12:14 PM

Are the SHRM staff going to take the certification exam? If so, could any of them pass it? I find it ironic that SHRM is promoting a competency-based certification but showed a total lack of competence in rolling it out. The certification names alone (SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP) sound like something a 6 year-old came up with.
10/15/2014 10:37 PM

Do we have the option of a no confidence vote? What is the procedure? Who then fills the seats vacated?
10/15/2014 7:38 PM

SHRM has not talent the time to be transparent about its motivations. As such, I do not trust their decision.
10/15/2014 5:13 PM

This decision is really detrimental to the profession. In the long run it is the certified professionals who are hurt by this. It is sad that HR types cannot get along and work things out.
10/15/2014 9:21 AM

At first when I heard the news, I didn’t think much of it. I assumed it would be an additional certification, similar to when they created the GPHR. Once I discovered that it would be in competition of the PHR/SPHR certifications, and that SHRM would no longer recognize the former certifications, my opinion strongly changed
10/13/2014 6:23 PM

I’m embarrassed to be a member of SHRM and insulted by its leadership. I may not renew next year.
10/10/2014 5:19 PM

I am very dissapointed at SHRM and it’s approach to this matter. They represent a body of HR Professionals, yet they did everything contrary to what is expected from our profession in terms of how they handled the roll out of the new certification. They failed to practice what you preach. They did not seek opinion and support from its very capable members PRIOR to decision making. They failed to communicate proactively with HRCI and the rest of the world for that matter. Their actions, only relevant to them seemingly is in support of their enhancing their financial state. No consideration was given to their members and others interested in a career in HR, because by adding more certifications it devalues the new and any existing certifications. This effort undermines the HR Professional who worked hard to earn and maintain their certifications. This whole fiasco pretty much plays out like a Rodney Dangerfield skit ; NO RESPECT from SHRM for us.
10/7/2014 1:41 PM

The SHRM executive leadership and board are operating in a fantasy world, detached from the real world of its membership and local chapters. Changes to certification, as significant as those being done by SHRM, should have been more carefully vetted with the membership. Unfortunately, they weren’t which is emblematic of a detached leadership. In situations like this, unless Hank Jackson and the board step back and put on hold the roll-out of this tragedy, they should be encouraged to resign, effective immediately. On the vetting, mentioned above, I suspect that had SHRM taken this issue to its local chapters and membership, it would have taken a very different path in changing aspects of the current certification programs.
10/7/2014 12:30 PM

SHRM needs to stop action, and revisit their Change Management process. Review, correct and communicate a new process with revisions.
10/7/2014 12:02 PM

I and most of my HRCI peers (within my company) canceled SHRM Membership a few years ago because we felt the annual fees were too high for the services provided. Appears SHRM has found another way to finance their company.
10/7/2014 11:37 AM

This change has been pushed through without providing SHRM members and / or those that currently hold a certification through HRCI with the necessary information needed to either support or not support the decision. As someone who worked very hard, took prep courses and studied very hard to pass the PHR certification, I am not pleased to find out that the certification I worked so hard to obtain may not be worth much going forward. HRCI says one thing, SHRM says something different.
10/7/2014 11:35 AM

I’m sick of the SHRM Hate Groups. Shame on You.
10/7/2014 11:11 AM

I believe that anyone on a Board for SHRM or an affiliate chapter should have a certification PHR or SPHR or GPHR. Whichever way this goes, whether we wind up with HRCI and SHRM certifications, or just HRCI ALL Board members should be required to have an HR certification in order to run. I think that is part of the problem….too many SHRM board members without an HRCI certification. Secondly, I believe this effort for a SHRM certification is going to shine a negative light on the HR profession. This comes at a time when many of us are finally making progress in advancing the HR field throughout the business world. Many organizations support and require new HR staff to have an HRCI certification. Now some in the HR profession plan to turn around and say…sorry that certification is not good enough, you need an HR professional with this type of certification”.
10/6/2014 11:14 AM

It seems like a conflict of interest for SHRM to house it’s own HR Certificaiton system. And I have a hard time believing that using it as a profit center is not the main motivation.
9/29/2014 2:51 PM

I don’t see a reason for another certification. It seems unnecessary and it just feels like SHRM wants to get a financial piece of the continuing education pie.
9/19/2014 3:38 PM

This new cert has politics written all over it.
9/17/2014 3:56 PM

I’m not sure SHRM understands how ridiculous they are appearing by offering their new certification to currently certified HRCI folks, for free, after only sitting through a quick tutorial. If their certification is so much more compentency-based, why are you offering it to me for free simply with proof of my SPHR? Does that mean they are comparable? That is what this offer says to me, but they are trying to send a vastly different message. And the roll-out? Certainly didn’t follow some of the compentencies themselves. I was a VERY active volunteer at the local, state and national levels. This action has been the final nail in the coffin for me for volunteer involvement. Except for continuing to facilitate HRCI certification study groups for SHRM chapters!
9/17/2014 12:03 PM

In what appears to simply be empire building and an obvious money grab, SHRM has decided to dilute the credibility of the existing and well-known certifications for their own selfish reasons. The flop of a rollout, the lack of information and transparency, and the Pelosi-just-pass-it-and-read-it-later methodology reeks of a half-cocked idea intent on generating revenues. As a result, I will not pursue any sort of SHRM certification. Further, I have decided against attending the National conference, which tends to have more sales and less content year over year.
9/17/2014 10:57 AM

Thank you for taking this initiative.
9/17/2014 10:56 AM

Thank you for your actions to stop SHRM.
9/16/2014 8:44 PM

What an embarrassing, pathetic excuse for a professional organization’s leadership team SHRM’s Board has been over the past 5+ years!
9/16/2014 4:44 PM

There are so many HR issues we should be more concerned about than another HR certification. The negativity surrounding this issue coupled with the time spent hearing about it has been detrimental to HR professionals everywhere.
9/16/2014 1:34 PM

Why is SHRM making this move? Is it strategic, Financial? Just does not makes sense. Until a recent article, I did not realize I could keep my PHR and not change. I thought we did not have a say in the matter
9/16/2014 12:37 PM

SHRM should be addressing more basic Human Resources issues such as legislation relevant to it’s constituency instead of trying to recreate the certification process that has been in place and served us well for years. This just contributes to the belief that HR is not a “real” discipline.
9/16/2014 12:36 PM

This is just another way for SHRM to make money and have a monopoly on the HR world.
9/16/2014 12:32 PM

If SHRM is true to why it exists in the first place – as a membership society of HR professionals – it should base business decisions on that which best supports the wants/needs of its membership. An alternate certification to HRCI flies in the face of this.
9/16/2014 12:13 PM

I do not feel that there is a need for this certification at all. SHRM has supported the current certification process for many years and now everything that they will do about the new certification program will denigrate what we have all worked so hard for, that they sold as being so great, and for what? So they can now make money off of a new certification program that wasn’t needed in the first place, and without getting SHRM member support for before moving forward with something this big? It is ridiculous!
9/16/2014 12:00 PM

In my opinion, this boils down to greed. We’ve been feeling the pinch for a long time and I understand SHRM needs more revenue but this isn’t the way to go about it. It is actually embrassing to be associated with this organization. I’m glad it hasn’t made big press where my executives are noticing and paying attention that budget dollars might be funding this….
9/16/2014 11:29 AM

Organization is not respectful of it membership
9/12/2014 5:11 PM

What a shame SHRM is doing this. The addition of competing certifications will dilute current and ongoing certifications in my opinion. We have seen confusion in the Information Technology (IT) space where employers have become desensitized to so many certifications. HRCI certifications have respect in the marketplace… why mess with that? If SHRM feels there is a concern somehow, why not fix the problem, not re-create the wheel.
9/12/2014 1:31 PM

I am appalled by the boards actions. In essence, the message I have received loud and clear is:

1. The HRCI certification, as it currently is offered, is insufficient to meet the needs of the profession today.

2. Professionals who have achieved and maintained HRCI certification as an indicator of their professional knowledge can receive the SHRM certification by signing an ethics statement, reviewing an presentation on the new certification and maintaining their HRCI status as of the date the SHRM cert is requested.

3. Professional knowledge is only one of 9 competencies of the SHRM certification, yet they are offering certification to those who have demonstrated proficiency in only one of the 9 competencies; the remaining 8 competencies are not demonstrated. How valid is the new certification if only one of the nine competencies is evaluated? And will candidates for SHRM certification be tested for knowledge competencies to the same degree and over similar material?

4. Assuming that the validity of the numerous (in the 10’s, maybe hundreds) SHRM certifications given to those HRCI-certified professionals is in question based on number 3 above, is SHRM then devaluing the HRCI certification at the expense of the professionals they purport to represent? Are they promoting their certification on the achievements of their certified members since the HRCI certification has become widely accepted and recognized?

5. When speaking with the SHRM staff at the conference in Orlando, I was advised that the new test was in keeping with industry leading certifications – such as that for Accountants and for entry into Med School. Really – MCATS are now a professional certification????!!!! I do not feel SHRM has the best interest of their constituents in mind and encourage all like-minded individuals to return their dues notices to SHRM with return to sender on the envelope. How much will their mailroom hold?
9/6/2014 2:20 AM

I hope SHRM comes to it the correct decision and retracts the new program for the benefit of all of us that have worked hard to gain and maintain our current HRCI certifications.
8/14/2014 10:43 AM

I will be sending a letter to Mr. Hank Jackson to personally ask him to make this right by posting a video and using a mediator with HRCI.
8/11/2014 5:38 PM

I would only ADD the SHRM certification if adding it doesn’t cost anything now or in the future. It is not important for me to have more than one certification, and I worked too hard to switch over my HRCI certification to SHRM. I can’t believe SHRM is showing it’s @ss in the street like this. How disgraceful. On another note, as a company who also provides HRCI credits for our HR-related conferences and events, a decision has already been made internally that we will not offer two certifications. We will not add the additional expense to our already tight budget. SHRM makes so much money on its expensive conference each year. Isn’t that enough? The best result would be for them to “partner” with HRCI like HR.com has done. (BTW, this is not HR.com, but I choose to remain anonymous since we are a provider of HRCI credits. We are an industry association that has an annual HR Conference and webinars.)
8/11/2014 5:26 PM

In my humble opinion, SHRM has cut ties with HRCI for financial reasons. They saw an opportunity and they seized upon it. When I sat for the PHR exam in 2009, it was the most difficult test I have ever taken. I studied day, night, and weekends nonstop for approximately 5 months. I take pride in the credentials I earned from HRCI as I know that a person must be extremely knowledgeable of federal laws and the many human resource disciplines to pass the exam. My concern is that with the new SHRM certification, this will devalue my PHR credential and ultimately, make HRCI obsolete. When I looked at the sample exam question that SHRM posted, it was so simple, that it seems that the SHRM certification can be earned by anyone, which will lose the prestige that the certification once held.
8/10/2014 5:03 PM

SHRM’s relevance has been waning in my opinion for years, and this may be their demise. I’m amazed that the organization would just pick up and leave the sandbox instead of using influence and finesse to affect the change they wanted to see at HRCI. Maybe those are HR competencies they don’t consider critical for success, eh?
8/10/2014 4:20 PM

SHRM has been indirectly communicating its lack of respect for its members for years. They stopped listening their volunteer leaders and moved in a direction that many us advised against and as a result, the HR professional will be the ones who suffer. The organization has a pattern of making changes and decisions without the input from its membership or ignoring it all together as shown by the break with HRCI – which should not be a surprise to anyone who has observed SHRMs behavior over the last few years. I AM an HR partner in my company and now my leadership is asking me what the heck is going on at SHRM. The legitimacy of HR and the profession is not gone, but is certainly being questioned and suffering. Shame on SHRM! I question the values of this organization. Respect is certainly not one of them.
8/10/2014 8:30 AM

I am glad to know there are others out there with similar thoughts regarding the SHRM certification.
8/7/2014 7:05 PM

For question 5 I answered both, but only because SHRM is going to give everyone a “pass” the first year. If I would have had to go through another exam, I would not do the new SHRM certification, but just keep the HRCI. SHRM’s decision to move forward on this has created alot of confusion and concern for local SHRM affiliates across the country.
8/7/2014 5:13 PM

I don’t understand why SHRM feels the need to do this. I have heard what they have to say and read what they are writing for a reason but it feels like it is just a ploy to bring in extra revenue to SHRM, as far as I am concerned. I worked very hard for my PHR and believe it is the high standard in certifications and I think what SHRM is doing really sends a mixed message and pits professionals against each other (those who have certifications against those who don’t and now plan to look into SHRM’s new certifications)
8/7/2014 4:03 PM

I was very disappointed by SHRMs actions. They didn’t include any of their partners in making this decisions, and the announcement came as a huge shock to the HR community. As the experts in our organizations for Change Management and Effective Communication standards, this roll out was a complete embarrassment to the profession.
8/7/2014 2:54 PM

I have been a SHRM member since the 90s. It took years for employers to recognize the SPHR or PHR designation. I liked the fact that SHRM and HRCI were separate entities when it came to testing. I appreciate that a separate certifying body gives the certification/recertification tests. There is a legitimacy to that. How legitimate is the certification that has the name of the professional organization in its certification. It cheapens the value of the certification. Let us not forget the fact that the current leader of SHRM does not have a certification. To me, this is a marketing gimmick and a new way for SHRM to take more money from its membership. SHRM will not receive a penny more from me.

8/6/2014 7:57 PM

Absurd for SHRM to do this.
8/6/2014 6:59 PM

I believe that we have to allow this process to play out. Those of us who are certified will have the good fortune of being dually certified from day one. From that day forward, it is up to us to maintain both.
8/6/2014 3:09 PM

Ultimately, I think we have to let the market speak and tell us who has more credibility, SHRM or HRCI.
8/6/2014 2:33 PM

I also think the choice of the certification names are too cumbersome and don’t convey anything broader than HRCI and will further inhibit acceptance. In fact, they seem narrow to me since SHRM is in the name of the certification.
8/5/2014 6:10 PM

This has all been very confusing. I’ve always felt uncomfortable about the closeness of the relationship between HRCI an SHRM, but the fact that SHRM is trying to not only make it’s own certification to rival that of HRCI’s and at the same time downplaying the certification “competencies” and credentials does not make me anymore confident in SHRM. Again, I am confused, disheartened and upset.
8/4/2014 2:47 PM

This is causing people added stress.
7/31/2014 10:32 AM

I work in the healthcare field and there are competing organizations offering certification. It’s usually financially motivated on the part of the sponsoring organization. It dilutes the CEU pool and stops professionals from seeking multiple certifications.
7/30/2014 5:09 PM

Despite their claims to the contrary, SHRM’s move appears to solely be a way to generate more dollars for SHRM. Additionally, the fact that the new certifications will contain the “SHRM” initials smacks of self-importance and self-referential marketing. I do not choose to become a branding mechanism for SHRM.
7/30/2014 4:18 PM

What SHRM is doing is wrong and think they can pull the wool over our eyes. How sad for this profession that worked so hard to be taken seriously that the head of it tear it apart.
7/30/2014 3:31 PM

I’m sorry that I’m not able to share my name at this point. I have been involved in the SHRM/HRCI discussions over the past few years. I’ve had a front row seat that 99.9% of the “voices” out there have not had. If people had the view that I’ve had, they would feel differently about this SHRM/HRCI divorce. It’s TRUE that it could all have been handled better and communicated better. Still, it doesn’t take away from the fact that the PHR and SPHR has never been shown to have a correlation to job performance, promotions, salary increases, etc. If it did have a correlation, why hasn’t HRCI funded some independent research to prove it? They haven’t because they know there is no correlation.
7/29/2014 10:00 PM

THe HRCI is to watered down too. We need PHR, SPHR, GPHR and they should be far more challenging to obtain.
7/29/2014 4:37 PM

I can’t see the value in another HR certification. HRCI has done a creditable job in setting and maintaining standards for the profession up to now. I will not be pursuing the new credential.
7/29/2014 12:23 PM

No SHRM member input Divides the HR community Confuses business leaders hiring HR Undermines HR credibility De-values current HR certification Costly for HR professionals to maintain 2 certifications Provides no apparant value or benefit to HR professionals
7/28/2014 6:16 PM

SHRM’s actions with the new certification program has caused me to question what SHRM stands for and whether they recognize that without its members, SHRM loses its credibility which in turn hurts us as HR professionals. I view the new certification process as hurting the HR profession. HR professionals have had to work hard to achieve the respect that is well deserved. For the organization that is suppose to support and nurture our profession, it seems that they are doing the opposite.
7/28/2014 4:50 PM

I have been considering the HRCI certification and even asked for money in the budget to move forward with the certification process. I do not think my employer will fund my certification process with all the turmoil. I have also considered the IPMA-HR certification and may look toward that as a better option because I don’t think this division will end well or soon.
7/28/2014 1:17 PM

It is truly sad that it has come to this. I have been a member of SHRM since 1996 and have been PHR certified since 2002. Unfortunately, at this point I have lost confidence in SHRM to lead this profession.
7/28/2014 11:38 AM

Recommend that HRIC revisit the competency part of the exams to ensure it is covered adequately.
7/28/2014 10:59 AM

The bottom line boils down to power, control and money. Shameful what is going on. I want nothing to do with any association or organization that puts their people last. The straight out blatant lies and spinning of the truth and non-transparency that SHRM is displaying leaves me sad and feeling let down. the HR profession can and will continue on without one or both organizations as we do not need this type of non-sense in an already crazy and stressful field. Very disappointed in SHRM.
7/28/2014 10:35 AM

For SHRM to take it’s own road and create a standard(s) for HR Professionals that have worked hard to not only get credits through HRCI but the even obtain the certification only to say that it is not of value is a slap in the face to all of the people in the Human Resources Field.
7/28/2014 10:19 AM

Pretty embarrassed by the whole process. Naturally we were not present and don’t really know what went on behind the scenes. I’m beginning to think SHRM is getting too big and perhaps is going to turn into another AARP. Heaven help us if that happens. I recently passed the SPHR exam after 30 years in the profession. I did this because I had to look for a new job and found many firms would not even talk to me without a PHR or SPHR certification. Wonder if that will be the same a year from now! I have a new job, and frankly, don’t feel any more capable after passing one test.
7/28/2014 9:15 AM

SHRM has been “going downhill” for a long time. HR folks didn’t want to see it — or more importantly, didn’t believe that our beloved SHRM would start to focus on how it looked to Business as opposed to serving its’ members. I am deeply disappointed in SHRM’s childish behavior. HR professionals have long tried to be a part of management and finally, finally, CEO’s were starting to take us seriously. Now we look like young squabbling children who can’t make up their minds who they are. I have lost faith in my beloved profession, let alone the society. I believe it is time to find a new profession to finish out my career.
7/27/2014 5:00 PM

I think SHRM is in it for the money-selling the materials wasn’t enough. I can see this leading to their demise with so many other certifications already out there. WorldatWork provides more valuable materials for me than any other professional organization.
7/27/2014 3:23 PM

We have worked long and hard to have Human Resources seen as a collaborative, strategic partner. Let’s not throw that away over certification pettiness.
7/27/2014 1:35 PM

Change is a common factor in today’s society. After researching the rationale behind SHRM’s decision to make the changes regarding certification and the PHR/SPHR exams, I am excited for the new certifications, exams, and exam preparation. The amount of information we are required to know to take the exams can be overwhelming. What is even more overwhelming is the stagnant and unimpressive pass rate, ie the SPHR has been at approximately 56% since 2009. Layer on top of these issues is the financial costs an HR practitioner pays to prepare for the exam. The cost I recently spent was $1700 for a class and SHRM materials. In addition, the cost to take the SPHR is over $500. My investment for this effort came to almost $2200. Lastly, when I read about the newly highlighted behaviors/dimensions, they truly spoke to myself and my role to an organization. If anything, I feel they enhance our credibility. As an organization, SHRM has been very thoughtful and professional in their approach. They have done a needs analysis and gathered insights from diverse perspectives of organizations. Both HR professionals and business leaders have been consulted. We can debate the issue at hand forever but have to make a decision at some point whether and how to accept this change. I hope that in time you can embrace what SHRM has on the horizon. It brings a new and exciting adventure for HR professionals.
7/26/2014 3:58 PM

This is a slanted effort from the start. How much research have you done into the issue? I’ve told you who I am, are you transparent enough to step out from behind the curtain and say who you are and what is your thoughts behind this “stuff”.
7/26/2014 3:50 PM

I think SHRM leadership should focus it effect on improving customer services, membership services, and tools available for SHRM members. Hard to find information on SHRM website and not happy with the 25 questions limit per member.
7/26/2014 3:42 PM

Both parties need to come together and develop a business plan that supports the profession.
7/26/2014 1:07 PM

The thing that puzzles me most is that SHRM states that the current certification process is inadequate, but in essence we are all being “grandfathered” in. Watching a short video and taking a short exam is not passing a certification test. So, are we going to water down the new certifications, with all of these “incompetent, or less than competent” SPHR’s? Don’t really understand that logic unless it is so they can say the new certifications immediately have several thousand participants. I have been HRCI certified for over 25 years, and member of SHRM longer than that, and I almost didn’t renew my SHRM membership last week because of this embarrassment.
7/25/2014 10:54 PM

Having taught the SHRM program for HRCI, I don’t feel that the preparation materials adequately were reflected on the test. In today’s world, I don’t feel that memorizing dates and legal cases is the way to judge an individual’s competence. I also felt that so many of the questions were ambiguous and vague and, quite frankly, trick questions. I heard so many other instructors say that in answering the question, don’t think about what you think is the right answer, think what you think SHRM thinks is the right answer. That is ridiculous! I actually quit teaching the program after several of my classes had a low pass rate and I felt those students were adequately prepared for the exam. So, some change needs to occur. I will be eager to see some of the questions in the new SHRM certification to see if that improved. I would have hoped that the collaborative relationship between SHRM and HRCI would be able to work out some of these issues. Where focus groups of members/certificate holders held?
7/25/2014 10:15 PM

I don’t see the reason for yet another certification There are already a glut of HR certifications, especially if you pull in the Comp certifications from WorldatWork, the Benefits certifications and the Training certifications. Yet another certification dilutes the significance of the current certs. It also harms the image of HR as a profession requiring a special set of knowledge and skills. I am proud that I was able to achieve my SPHR on the first try. However, if the sample questions that SHRM has provided are indicative of the type of questions on their certification exam, it makes a mockery of the concept of certification. Outsiders who don’t know the difference are going to believe that people who possess the SHRM certification went through a process as rigorous as those who have one of the HRCI certifications. It’s akin to someone being impressed because someone has a PhD from the University of Phoenix.
7/25/2014 10:00 PM

Very disappointing. Since Susan Meisinger and Steve Losey left SHRM, the quality of a SHRM membership has deteriorated. This ridiculous addition of HR “competencies” certification being offered by SHRM after profiting on the backs of HR professionals seeking the long-established PHR, SPHR, GPHR and California certifications is disgusting. SHRM’s profitability is being put ahead of the very members they are supposed to represent. A sad day in the HR profession. Mr. Jackson, CPA should be removed from his post immediately, along with the board of directors and other SHRM leadership.
7/25/2014 9:02 PM

not liking this playing out in the mud
7/25/2014 8:47 PM

Thank you to whoever started this as a way for our voices to be heard and taken seriously.
7/25/2014 8:19 PM

This entire situation is a blight on our profession!
7/25/2014 7:20 PM

Shame on SHRM!
7/25/2014 7:14 PM

This is a stupid struggle for revenue at the expense of the very profession they (both) are supposed to support. Ridiculous behavior! If SHRM truly felt that the current testing criteria was faulty, they should practice what they preach and professionally discuss the issue(s) with HRCI. Regardless of the outcome, I will be sticking with my HRCI certification. SHRM has been losing credibility for years in my humble opinion, and at this point I’m questioning my continued membership.
7/25/2014 6:40 PM

Deplorable, describes this entire undertaking by SHRM, the SHRM Board needs to go now……be totally removed from positions. Let’s check their competencies! What a disappointment, makes you no longer want to be associated with any of this. Also, the thought of paying money to SHRM for membership in the future will be difficult if not impossible to do. SHRM has brought embarrassment to the HR profession. It is time …..for a totally new Human Resources Professional Organization, no longer SHRM. From a Human Resources Professional, SPHR, in good standing, Director of Human Resources and a Human Resources professional for 25+ years.
7/25/2014 4:46 PM

I think SHRM should have put their energy and effort behind building up the existing certification programs not diminishing their value. A survey of membership would have been a good idea before they took such an action.
7/25/2014 4:22 PM

It is ridiculous to move away from a well accepted and respected credential, especially without getting feedback from membership. I have encouraged junior members of my staff to complete the PHR certification exam before the end of the year and wait and see what happens with the SHRM certification. If there is such a great need, SHRM leadership should be willing to have their new exam reviewed by a large group of Sr. HR professionals and have it compared to the current certification exam. They should also be able to explain what prompted this decision and specifically what the failures of the HRCI program are.
7/25/2014 4:04 PM

As a member of SHRM, I would have expected the board to take a vote on the change or consult the membership on such an important decision as changing the certification process for HR professionals. Being relatively new to the profession, I was put off by all the back and fourth between the two parties and thought it was very unprofessional. At this point, I see no benefit in going through either certification at this time. As a certified public accountant, I wholly understand the benefits of having a credible certification and rejoice in the doors that it has opened for me throughout the years. I look forward to the day when an HR certification is as respected and treasured.
7/25/2014 3:14 PM

I am very disappointed in SHRMs leadership and this obvious grab for more of my money. I’ve held my certification since 1997 and many years I have had to personally finance my recertification efforts. Finally, HR is seen as a true strategic business partner and SHRM does this? SHAME!
7/25/2014 2:27 PM

With regard to Question 6: please continue this as an online petition of sorts. To ask for money sounds a little too much like SHRM’s plea that we pay for a new certification or pay doubly to hold two certifications.
7/25/2014 2:24 PM

Like many individuals have already expressed on the message boards, not only did much time, effort and money go into preparing for and earning my PHR certification, each of us continues to invest additional time, effort and money on an ongoing basis to satisfy the re-certification requirements. SHRM is setting a poor example through their behavior towards HRCI. HR is supposed to be the impartial entity that brings peace and harmony. This is the farthest thing from peace. For the longest time, the competencies for the PHR, SPHR and GPHR were acceptable. Now, all of a sudden, they’re not? HR professionals fight every day to be taken seriously and to get that elusive seat at the table. Having this certification does help, even though many executives have no clue what went into attaining it. I just have a hard time dishing out more resources because SHRM has decided that it’s not happy with the current certification. Lastly, if SHRM feels that this certification is so far superior to the certification attained through HRCI, why didn’t they name it something excuisite, exciting, impressive and attention-getting? SHRM-CP, really? If that’s the best they can do in naming the certification, I’m not interested in seeing the certification itself.
7/25/2014 2:04 PM

My organization currnetly has no knowledge of a SHRM-CP, and if my organization’s President was to be made aware of this embarassing conflict between these two professional organizations, I suspect the response would be that my recertification fee and membership would no longer be sponsored by my company. This is causing us to look bad as we sit back and watch our profession be undermined due to this unfortunate competition between two organizations that are supposed to be supporting us. This makes our certification appear worthless.
7/25/2014 1:56 PM

We need to have the President & CEO come from the ranks of HR Professionals. Additionally they need to hold a SPHR or GPHR Also as a whole, SHRM needs to balance the needs of the Mega Companies/large Universities to the needs of the individual HR Practitioner. Just my two coconuts worth.
7/25/2014 1:45 PM

Years ago, SHRM was a vital tool for HR managers. By being a member of SHRM, you had access to a body of knowledge that you could depend on and a network of professionals at your fingertips. Over the past couple of years, SHRM seems to be more oriented to becoming a big business and lobbying force, rather than a support network for the profession. I have been questioning the renewal of my membership before this certification dispute began. I really hate to turn my back on an organization which has aided in my career success, but it seems everything is tied to money- you are limited on the number of questions and info requests you can submit, the chat room is gone, and renewal notices start coming before they have even cashed you check for the current membership. For so many years, the profession has been leashed to the idea of “personnel” and it is finally taking its place among the other disciplines. This includes the recognition of the certifications, which for many years were hired in spite of it, and often had to justify recertification as others without the certification insisted the label was only a product of a big business lobbyist. I will always be proud of the SPHR which I have held for the past 16 years and work diligently to keep current. I know it has set me apart from the competition more than once, and it is a shame that when it has finally received the acknowledgement that it has deserved, that SHRM will take these steps to diminish it due to reasons which I believe are monetary.
7/25/2014 1:22 PM

What are we supposed to tell those that are graduating seniors receiving their degree in HRM programs? What about the new people, like myself, who have come to HR expecting consistency in our profession? We have enough changes by our government to muddle through … it shouldn’t be this way with our certification programs. How are we to explain the new certification to employers who have never heard of it! What was SHRM thinking? Should we even renew our membership to this organization?
7/25/2014 12:42 PM

If SHRM is going to move forward with the certification over the objection of its membership, find a name for the certification that sounds more professional than SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
7/25/2014 12:40 PM

THe HRCI Board Members are not HR Professionals. Also, find out how much money they are holding from Certification fees.
7/25/2014 12:38 PM

Thank you for giving “us” the HR professional a voice. SHRM isn’t listening.
7/25/2014 12:35 PM

I would support a vote of no confidence regarding SHRM leadership. There is a conflict of interest regarding SHRM creating their own certification, a study guide/system and ongoing learning in order to attain and maintain a professional certification that has the potential of profiting SHRM and diminishing the HRCI brand. Further, HR professionals are supposed to negotiate conflict and find points of common ground that provide opportunities for continued growth and continuous improvement. SHRM appeared dismissive of HRCI and any person or business that treats a long term partner in such a fashion becomes suspect in terms of both business acumen and ethics. Competency based learning is nothing new nor specific to SHRM as HRCI appeared to have already incorporated such learning and testing. I am lastly disappointed that in an era of user friendly technology that SHRM did not attempt to survey all their members via e-mail or by other means to better assess membership support, or lack thereof, pertaining to the dismissal of HRCI. I hope the two organizations return to the table and find a way to mend fences. The inability to find common ground by SHRM and HRCI reflects poorly on our profession and appears bush league. Could any of us imagine a schism and counter certification to the CPA, etc? Try again to work things out or a vote of no confidence movement should begin if the by-laws allow such an action.
7/25/2014 12:16 PM

We have worked hard for years to be seen as a professional and have a “seat at the table”. This split diminishes what we have achieved and gives the appearance that we are a joke. It could set us back in our efforts.
7/25/2014 12:08 PM

SHRM just continues to pursue $$$$$ vs. what is best for the members. Wake up, SHRM is a cash cow.
7/25/2014 12:05 PM

Perhaps SHRM should focus on improving the quality of the information and documents on their website instead of getting into the certification business. Your documents, templates, and information is outdated and not top notch for the industry. I can find better examples through BLR or HRPro website which is ridiculous. This is obviously a ploy to increase revenue and minimizes the value of both certifications. I will not get the SHRM certification and hope other HR professionals refuse to as well which will make this a mute subject.
7/25/2014 12:03 PM

At this point, my SHRM renewal is coming due and I don’t think I am going move forward with it. I have no confidence in their representation of HR or their ability to advance the profession.
7/25/2014 12:01 PM

This is an old email I sent after I attended this meeting. I attended the Town Hall Meeting on June 10, 2014 at SHRM HQ from 5:30 to 6:30 in Alexandria VA. The meeting was hosted by Henry G. Jackson, CPA, President and Chief Executive Officer. Highlights of the Meeting: I have to start off by saying “Hank” seemed very genuine and sincere as to why SHRM is deciding to go to a competency based training/exam. Hank stated “This is not about making money, it will cost SHRM millions of dollars to make this change” – but he believes this will be best for the HR profession, SHRM and its members. SHRM created HRCI many years ago. However, they is no legal connection between the two organizations. They are separate from each other. In Jan 2012 SHRM started a discussion with HRCI about changing the body of knowledge to be more competency based vs. knowledge based. Apparently the discussions broke down in Dec 2013. HRCI’s 18 member board made the decision not to change the testing. SHRM then made the decision to create and offer its own competency based HR certification. Just recently SHRM cut all ties (affiliations) with HRCI. So – the bottom line is all HR certified professionals are caught in the middle between these two large organizations. We (HR professionals) will have to decide which organization’s certification is most valid. But more importantly, the business community will make that final determination – because if the business community (companies) decide that the SHRM certification is more relevant – then HRCI will become irrelevant, and in time, close its doors. HRCI will continue to offer the HR certifications they currently have including some of the most notable: PHR, SPHR, GPHR – if you so desired – you can continue your certification(s) with HRCI. HRCI updated their web site showing their certification is competence based. Check it out: www.HRCI.org Again, you can keep your HRCI certification and SHRM is going to make it easy for current certified members to get their SHRM certification. So in essence – you can acquire certifications from two separate organizations – SHRM and HRCI. SHRM will be offering current HRCI certified members to acquire the new SHRM certification. Beginning January 1, 2015, if you are certified and in good standing, you are eligible for SHRM’s new certification – at no cost – by completing the following by December 31, 2015: • Document that your current certification is in good standing. • Sign the SHRM Code of Ethics. • Complete an online educational module and brief online tutorial on HR competencies. Hank stated SHRM is providing a webinar (educational module above) and then we will answer some questions – if you get a question wrong, you can retake the question again. Once you go through this process, you will receive the new SHRM certified credentials and will begin a three-year recertification cycle. To learn more about the new SHRM Certification: http://www.shrm.org/certification/shrmcertification/pages/default.aspx Hank stated the new SHRM exam will give scenarios and then ask the test taker to pick the best answer. Some credit will be given for “an almost correct answer” and full credit given to the “exact correct answer.” To learn more about the competencies: www.shrm.org/competencies Through 2014 – SHRM conferences and seminars have already been approved for HRCI credits and will continue until Dec 31, 2014. They will also offer the SHRM learning system through Dec 2014 for people interested in getting their HRCI certification. Starting in Jan 2015 SHRM will work closely with the SHRM State and local chapters getting training approved for the SHRM recertification credits. Note – I did not say HRCI credits. Over time, if HRCI stays relevant – SHRM will have to get HRCI credits approved as well. If not, people will not attend the SHRM seminars. See how this could become messy? They have not named the two new SHRM certifications because they are working with a copyrights attorney. Hank asked if “SHRM” should be included in the new certification name and several of us stated yes – it will set SHRM certifications apart from the HRCI certifications. SHRM will have to set up two separate organizations – one that creates the exams (like HRCI) and one for the learning materials. They will have to be two separate entities – doesn’t that sound familiar? The new SHRM certification materials will be available in Dec 2014, training will start in January 2015 and testing for the new SHRM certification will be in May 2015. If someone purchased the SHRM learning system and failed the HRCI exam, SHRM will give a new set of learning materials for the SHRM exam – not a bad deal. I told Hank he should send a letter to the association explaining exactly why SHRM is doing what is doing because it will help HR professionals understand what is being offered going forward. As always – change causes fear – information and knowledge is power. Lastly, I think it is a shame that SHRM and HRCI could not work out their differences – both organizations are going to suffer because of this. You would think rational minded people could see that competency based models are the future for our HR professional. Questions? Please refer to the links above.
7/25/2014 11:56 AM

My employer doesn’t require me to have the HR certification through HRCI. I decided to attain it on my own. If the new SHRM certification program proceeds, I’m not sure that I would bother with either certification. My state has its own group of HR professionals who work for public agencies and this group has its own certification. I’m beginning to think I made a mistake in pursuing my HRCI certification years ago instead of the KPHRA certification.
7/25/2014 11:55 AM

I believe that SHRM may wish to exercise some oversight in its “chat” areas. I find unprofessional and, quite frankly, contradictory to our profession (harassment; sexual content) some of the information and remarks that are shared on these sites. Specifically: — Annual Conference and its associated chat room: professionals begging for concert tickets; requests to “hook up” — not for social and business purposes but explicitly and blatantly for other reasons; lack of professionalism in dress, appearance, attitudes and behavior at the conference (not controllable, I know, but we should be more prideful and not look like we are going to the beach) — SHRM webiste, Off Topic Discussion Board: I do not go here anymore. It appears that many in our profession don’t respect their workplace and position enough in that they spend lots of time, too much time, here – IMHO. Some of the topics are way off base and include things that professionals should not be discussing on a professional website even if it is off-topic. I understand that it is my prerogative to go to these places or not, and I have chosen not to. No longer attend the annual conference – last one, 2013; no longer go into the community rooms on the website. I do, however, appreciate the breadth and excellent content on the website otherwise and I use it often.
7/25/2014 11:52 AM

My fear is that an overall coup d’état of SHRM will bring more harm than good to our profession. A petition to the board to reverse its decision or require them to interact with HRCI to work through the issue would probably be more palatable to all members and certification holders. I don’t have a problem adding requirements or attributes to the current HRCI testing/recertification, but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!
7/25/2014 11:49 AM

The behavior of the SHRM board is patently self-serving. While the competency model developed by SHRM may hold water, muddying those waters by attempting to introduce a competing certification does not. HR’s professional status is seen as mariginal in the best of cases. SHRM is in the process of ensuring our marignalization through its foolish manuevers. BTW- do any SHRM board members hold HRCI certifications? Many HR professionals will likely feel compelled to pursue both HRCI and SHRM credentials in order to hedge their bets, not becasue they consider both equally valuable. Shame on SHRM.
7/25/2014 11:47 AM

I was proud of my certification as I spent hours and much work to become certified and pass the test. Yes some of the questions were questionable but you will find that on any large certification test. This idea of scraping all the current certifications is ridiculous. Fix the problem you have SHRM and HRCI instead of creating additional issues as you have accomplished. Go back quickly and do damage control, lots of it!!!! Then fix the core issue at hand. Forget $’s and egos and think about the task at hand. Why do we have a SHRM anyway? Let some of your best practitioners help HRCI better the certification and move on. Then SHRM you stay on your side of the room and HRCI will stay on theirs. Order can then be achieved. Do we need a parent here? Sure sounds like it…
7/25/2014 11:42 AM

I don’t like that the new SHRM Certification is named SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. If the test/certification is suppose to be validated they an outside source, naming it the SHRM-XX does not lend itself to any sort of perceived partiality. I also don’t like that since I hold my PHR, the new certification of CP is equated as “new to the field”. I have over 10 years of experience and now others could view me a LESS competent because of the new certification.
7/25/2014 11:39 AM

They need to grow up. Shrm’s actions are childish and petty. Not allowing Hrci at the conference! What are they two??? It is embarassing.
7/25/2014 11:36 AM

I’ll provide my contact information if I hear again that you received sufficient interest in calling for a no confidence vote for the SHRM board. The fact that there was no consultation with the SHRM membership before they undertook this change is very disturbing.
7/25/2014 11:32 AM

I have heard nothing but very very negative feedback about the entire thing.
7/25/2014 11:30 AM

Such an embarrassment to the profession. Disgusted.
7/25/2014 11:29 AM

July 25, 2014 – I might support financially – just depends on what it would be used for. Personally, I think the certifications have gotten so broad, anyone can get it. I would like my certification to mean something. The HRCI questions are certainly more relevant then the example I saw from SHRM. That was a joke! 

July 25, 2014 – I worked very hard to convince my boss the SHRM/HRCI certification was the industry standard. I was fortunate to be approved for company sponsored training – with this current line of attack on the certification – you not only discredit HRCI, but also the multitude of professionals like me, that have assured our managers this is the way of proving competencies. I hope this is resolved soon, and I hope SHRM will back out of the “political” type of smear campaign they have launched so far. We members may not understand what is happening in the background; but perceptionally, SHRM looks like a bully or a child holding their breath to get their way. So not cool. 

July 25, 2014 – I think if SHRM decided to make this decision to separate from HRCI certifications, they should have been prepared to answer more questions related to the cost, testing dates availability, how we will earn CEU’s and why we should pursue this certification versus the current HRCI certifications that have been around for years and have obviously held prestige throughout many organizations. What will happen if we choose to not test for the SHRM certification-will or would we want to still belong to SHRM and if so, why? Would continuing with the current certifications have less importance when applying for jobs or in our current positions, etc. If we don’t test for the SHRM certifications, will we still be able to belong to our local and the national SHRM organizations? I think SHRM has answered some of our questions but definitely not adequately and with enough for me to confident in which direction I should pursue. THank you, 

July 25, 2014 – Over the last several years there have been several changes with SHRM, a non-profit organization, to make me wonder why they want to charge members so heavily. In addition, the charges they now impose on local chapters are ridiculous. It seems that it has become all about the money not the profession. 

July 25, 2014 – In my opinion, there was a lack of transparency with this issue as well as poor communication of the decision. The lack of member involvement in such a huge decision that affects the membership is just ludicrous. The board should have expected enormous backlash and lost confidence in its leadership as a result of the separation and division. The lack of competency demonstrated by the board, in both its inability to effectively resolve conflict and not presenting the decision to its members, warrants resignations. A respectful, remorseful board would apologize to its members and resign as recognition that their leadership misrepresented its membership. To respond otherwise, only further breeds distrust in the organization as a whole. 

July 25, 2014 – This whole issue needs to stop immediately. Sr. executives and the business community as a whole are finally understanding and valuing the PHR and SPHR credentials as true business partners. The SHRM board needs to understand that their actions are negating the last 20+ years of progress that the HR profession has made. Another source of professional certifications will certainly de-value the current ones and cause a lot of confusion in non-HR circles. 

July 25, 2014 – I do not want to spend any more money or take any more tests. This whole thing makes SHRM look silly and childish. Plus, one member stated that the governing body of certifications states that there must be a separate entity for the certification of the members. Clearly, that would not be the case with SHRM. They would be one and the same.  

July 25, 2014 – SHRM has forgotten it mission, and has become a marketing firm. I’m disappointed in all things SHRM except its lobbying efforts. I’ll think seriously of ending my relationship with SHRM if they continue on this road. 

July 25, 2014 – The industry needs more insight into the testing, the study materials and reasoning behind SHRM’s decision in order to have the ability to make quality decisions about this issue. Currently certified professionals and SHRM members should have access to such information and be able to make a determination for themselves. Those outside the industry (employers hiring HR professionals) will not know the difference between the two, which may be “more valuable”, nor what credential to require on a job description. 

July 25, 2014 – This is disheartening, as I’ve finally found an employer that will support me through the certification process. Also, the confusion as to which certification will hold the most weight in the jobmarket is disconcerting. These two organizations, which have partnered for so long are at each other’s throats and millions of people’s livelihoods and ambitions are at stake. Now, do I spend the 500 for HRCI? The additional money for SHRM? Or both? Seems like a money grab for SHRM, and an easy way NOT to deal with the conflict of the two organizations. Very disappointing.

July 25, 2014 – Nothing about this is in the best interests of the profession. 

July 25, 2014 – I coordinate the certification exam prep class at my college. This change may totally disrupt our ability to offer programming. 

July 25, 2014 – This has been enough for me to consider dropping my local chapter membership completely and really take a hard look at whether I want to continue my national SHRM membership as well. 

July 25, 2014 – I was a memeber of SHRM and dropped my membership. I was very involved in SHRM and the Local and State Chapters. I think SHRM has lost site of their mision and have become greedy and lost touch with the their true purpose. I now belong to another HR professional association and like it so much better than SHRM. SHRM needs to read their own by-laws and the board needs to look at the SHRM Code of Ethics and follow it! 

July 25, 2014 – All of this makes me want to stop being an HR professional. 

July 25, 2014 – I am very concerned that my reputation (credentials) and the respect it took so many HR professionals so long to earn is in serious jeopardy. SHRM and HRCI need to find a common ground and settle this amicably. Divided we all fall! We all suffer the consequences of their differences of opinion. 

July 25, 2014 – SHRM is diminishing the HRCI certification that we all worked so hard to obtain. The year I took the exam there was a 43% pass rate and I was very proud to be in the minority who passed. Now an employer has to question which certification is more meaningful??? Or maybe the certification is meaningless?? Why do they want to put the profession through this? 

July 25, 2014 – Bad decision on their part to try to dilute the value of certifications that have been in existence for years. PHR and SPHR are the most recognized certs in the field. But then again, all of these “World at Work” certifications advertised by SHRM have caused some similar confusion as to what cert is the best bang for your buck. I had a feeling a few years ago something like this would happen. 

July 25, 2014 – I believe that this new certification will undermine the HRCI certification that so many of us have achieved and has become employer recognized. Not to mention that SHRM up until now has supported the HRCI and had all the prep materials for this certification. I feel it may be a way for SHRM to gain the certification fees that have long gone to HRCI. 

July 25, 2014 – I do not see SHRM as being a support for the Human Resources profession anymore. They are keyed on making money, and that is it. The entire SHRM organization is shameful. 

July 25, 2014 – With all of the training cut backs, I am thankful that HRCI has incorporated companies and events to provide some free training opportunities which I seriously don’t see SHRM providing in the future. I have worked hard to not only become certified, but to ensure that I maintain my certification. I don’t want to spent half my income to meet SHRM’s new artificial standards just to line their coffers. 

July 25, 2014 – As one poster allowed, their should be a distinct separation between the trade organization and the credentialing agency. Also, as with CPA’s and other licensing / certification agencies, you do not change agencies in mid-stream, if you have problems, you correct the programs and the process. You do not create a new agency so you have two. 

July 25, 2014 – This whole fiasco is embarrassing – clearly a power struggle that SHRM had decided to take their marbles and go home at our expense. Bad move SHRM 

July 25, 2014 – The one question I’ve seen from the new certification exam does nothing to measure competency. It’s so easy even someone with no experience in anything could figure out the correct answer. The SPHR exam includes core competency questions and the answers are not easy. I can still vividly remember one question where the answer was anything but easy! 

July 25, 2014 – I believe this will only dilute the opinion by our business partner’s. Having one main source of certification gives presents the HR community well. 

July 25, 2014 – This was poorly handled and the communications from SHRM (emails) border on incoherent. 

July 25, 2014 – As a SHRM Instructor for the exam prep courses, I am very upset and disappointed to what this is doing to the credibility of our certifications. I do not think I will continue to be an instructor or a member of their organization any longer. 

July 24, 2014 – This is a total embarrassment to the HR profession. I entered the HR field in 1984, got my PHR in 1999, and have maintained it for the past 15 years.Got my CCP in 2004. Have been a member of SHRM since the mid-80’s. And a World@Work member since 2000. I’m not changing certification horses now when I’m 10 years from retirement! We have established these credentials for all to see. There are few HR positions advertised out there now that don’t list “PHR/SPHR preferred.” Why? Because it’s become well known these are the letters that mean you KNOW HR. 

July 21, 2014 – SHRM is run by thieves. 

July 21, 2014 – I think the new SHRM Competency Based Models are the right move for we as HR Professionals have been stating we needed the HRCI testing to reflect real life HR situational testing and HRCI continued to fail in our request. We have had more trouble with HRCI listening to our needs. Now with the new SHRM Certification, we will have what HR Professionals have been asking for. 

July 21, 2014 – In order to have a certification or credential hold any weight or meaning it needs to be well-known and trusted by those outside of the industry. I believe that having multiple HR certificates will make all of them less valuable to everyone. Unfortunately I just bought into our business so with finances so tight I am unable to support the effort financially. 

July 21, 2014 – I am retiring in October, but plan to remain active in SHRM. I would like to know how my states chapters stand on this issue. I have been unable to attend meeting this year. 

July 20, 2014 – I am completely irritated with SHRM and would like to stop all my association with them. At this point, I do not want to renew my membership. However, with regard to the re-certification, I have very mixed feelings – I feel like I need to hedge my bets right now. I don’t want to be left out if the new certification becomes the one to have – I don’t want to miss being grandfathered in if possible! I’m hoping that things will become more clear before the end of the year. 

July 20, 2014 – While I am not interested in waging a “rebellion” over this as it will only hurt the profession in general, using the tools internally available via SHRM to make sure the Board and Leadership are aware of the (hopefully significant) discontent with this misstep is very important to me. 

July 18, 2014 – SHRM should help HR professionals and this is not the way to do it. I don’t have much confidence in SHRM anyway. I sent them an email and it was never responded to. 

July 17, 2014 – We have to get the chapters moving on this and not remaining silent. They should survey their group and put forth that if SHRM does not change their direction then the Chapter will remove its affiliation. 

July 17, 2014 – I will seek both certifications because I am a consultant and feel it is in my best interest professionally. However, I do not agree that SHRM needs to take this path. There were many, many other ways to resolve the conflict between SHRM and HRCI on this issue, and I am disappointed in the leadership in *both* organizations that they let it get to this point. No good will come of this. The organizations will go on, but the profession of Human Resource Management will be irrevocably damaged. Specifically, individual HR professionals are the ones who are left dealing with the aftermath of this conflict. We are the ones who must come up with the answer to the disillusionment of the C-Suite about HR and our inability to resolve conflict in our own profession. As I recently told several members of the SHRM Board, many of us feel as though we are the children of divorce and do not like being fought over in public for custody. A very sad state of affairs. 

July 16, 2014 – Do not let SHRM win…it is like Pepsi trying to replace the real thing….Just like “Coke is it” , so it is that HRCI is and must remain the “IT” of HR certifications. 

July 14, 2014 – The SHRM Board’s decision to make the change without a sure plan of what the change would look like for the HR certification process reflects badly on the leadership. In my opinion, this lack of cohesiveness at the top has tainted the credibility of the HR profession. 

July 10, 2014 – I am very unhappy with the SHRM recent decision. I feel they are belittling my current PHR certification and my experience by insinuating that my knowledge base is not based on competency. I also would say that my recert credits are very rarely from SHRM, and therefore their withdrawal from seeking HRCI credits would not be of any consequence to me. 

July 9, 2014 – At this point in my career certifications are not as important to me as they once were. Whether I elect to recertify or not I will still keep current in HR matters. I am 50 percent HR generalist ( primarily recruiting) and 50 percent comp and benefits. I am CEBS certified and view that as being much more rigorous and having much more value than my SPHR certification. I will most likely take the one time SHRM recertification, then let it lapse but continue with the CEBS recertifcation activities. Too bad SHRM and HRCI don’t have to fulfill fiduciary responsibilities i.e acting in the best interests of the participants – as we in the benefits field must do. Thank for the opportunity to vent.

July 9, 2014 – I believe this is a huge conflict of interest. SHRM and HRCI did not share database information. Even though SHRM is creating a separate structure, the fox is watching the hen house. SHRM has caused a great deal of confusion. Our certifications have been devalued and SHRM has opened up certification to non-exempt employees while stating the exams are at a higher level.

July 9, 2014 – HRCI has been the impartial body making the certification weighted versus just getting a certification. I don’t know what SHRM’s competency test or certification looks like, but to recertify is very expensive as well as sit for the exam again. My company does not support it, although I try to keep it up personally. I think people should take some recert credits but also sit for the exam too each recert period, otherwise they are resting on their laurels and not showing their continued competences.

July 9, 2014 – SHRM appears to be out of touch with its true members–the ones working in the field day in and day out. We don’t have the time to go and get additional certifications. This really seems to be a foolish decision.

July 9, 2014 – I personally feel this is a “slap” in the face for those who have poured heart and soul in the encouragement of getting certified with current program. I have been facilitating an exam prep course for 16 years, and feel that the what we are asking our certification candidates to learn is direct and appropriate for our profession.

July 9, 2014 – Thank you for taking this initiative!

July 8, 2014 – Sadly, I’m not comfortable putting my name on my opinion as I am not sure it won’t be used against my recertification. I read Scott Warrick’s opinion letter. It’s got me questioning the entire legitimacy of the certification. Inconsistency of approvals is scary. I get the knowing your Business and understanding it. But if he is correct that HR can’t come into play or its rejected, HRCI has it wrong and should not be in the HR certification business. Hell, with all that I’ve read and all of the mud slinging (mostly on HRCI’s side). I’m not sure what to believe. SHRM and HRCI should have been able to work this out.

July 8, 2014 – Waited at the conference to hear any kind of explanation for why this was handled so poorly and communicated so ineptly. Never heard a word. I would have been more inclined to support SHRM if they had reached out to the membership earlier, told us what they were planning to do, and gotten feedback. I have been a member for 20 years, Past Chapter President and State Council member. I believe the membership should have been able to voice their opinion before the decision was made.

July 8, 2014 – The problems are too obvious to need to explain.

July 8, 2014 – I think this move is very confusing. The PHR test was one of the hardest tests I have ever taken. I have been certified for 11 years and do not think it is fair that I would have to consider transferring to a different certification process.

July 8, 2014 – This has been a topic of conversation at our Chapter board meetings and all the certified members on the board have lots of questions and no answers. It’s just another example of changes being at SHRM that don’t seem to benefit the members…just the SHRM organization (i.e. requirement of all chapters have 50% national members or risk losing affiliation by 2016). The members need to be heard!!!

July 8, 2014 – When we discuss SHRM membership we need to distinguish between local and national membership. There are many fabulous local chapter members who want to continue doing great work at the local level but do not support he national SHRM agenda.

July 8, 2014 – Just truly disheartened and disillusioned with SHRM at this point. Depending upon the credibility or acceptability of the new SHRM process, I may have to do both HRCI and SHRM to accommodate the training and recertification needs of my clients. I don’t have time for this nonsense…and frankly I am voicing a common opinion.

July 8, 2014 – Separation of certifying body and professional organization is essential. Yes, it has limitations, but competing with HRCI is not the answer.

July 7, 2014 – If the SHRM Cert is approved I will probably take the online tutorial to get it just so I don’t have to take another test. Its too uncertain which certification future employers will require, to pass up the SHRM cert. It seems better to have it just in case. I would plan on maintaining recerts for both… If it doesn’t get approved that would be better for all though…

July 7, 2014 – I prefer that membership candidates be required to hold the credential designation prior to entry into the membership. Also, that the board members be required to hold one and/or more of the HR professional credentials. I am seriously considering not renewing for re-certification because of the no confidence I am beginning to have toward the profession.

July 7, 2014 – I appreciate that people would like to see action taken in regards to the certification issue. I also understand how emotional this is and have felt very strong emotions myself. I think that we can work through the establishment of the SHRM certification as well as support the certification system from HRCI. I don’t see this as a disadvantage to hold two certifications. I also feel that if we continue to try to dismantle either body, we won’t move forward.

July 7, 2014 – I will not financially support an ANTI SHRM movement and I will no longer be supporting SHRM. When my membership runs out it will not be renewed. I do not agree with SHRM leadership, however, I am sure others do. I will simply opt out of SHRM. There are other HR companies and there is HRCI which will be supporting HR professionals. Most of the companies that support the HRCI certifications have expressed that they will still be supporting HRCI certifications regardless of what SHRM does. HCI, HR.COM, Tools2Succeed, Miller Law, Ascentis, Basic, Manpower, and others.

July 7, 2014 –  I’ve given tirelessly to SHRM and to the profession. It was truly a gift to have had these opportunities to serve the profession and the organization. I am disappointed and disheartened by this rift and by SHRM.

July 7, 2014 – SHRM tends to be more recognized than even the HRCI itself. SHRM has done more to educate global HR professional than HRCI and as such its more sale able than HRCI. Speaking from African perspective, people would preferred a more concise certification such as SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP than too many PHR, SPHR, GPHR, HRMP, HRBP certificates being awarded by HRCI.

July 7, 2014 – It is my opinion that SHRM has deviated from the original mission of being a support for the HR industry. The last few conventions have featured speakers who have nothing to do with human resources. I am not supporting them financially at this point and will have a difficult time starting to do so again.

July 6, 2014 – A group like this is needed. The only way that SHRM and HRCI might possibly work together again is if the current CEO of SHRM is fired and the Board is put on notice that such unethical practices will not be tolerated. HRCI respected SHRM’s role providing training for certification preparation and recertification and stayed out of those businesses. SHRM made plenty of money off those programs. They need to respect HRCI’s role as independent certifying agency. I am proud of HRCI for not giving in to their bullying tactics!

July 6, 2014 – I am very disappointed and distressed by this. SHRM is obviously doing this for money. If they supported HRCI credentials in the past, how can this all of a sudden change? How are we who are certified no longer legitimate? That being the case, why would SHRM offer to let us move our credentials to their organization by taking a short test? The whole thing was not well thought out. How dumb do they think we are? SHRM: I unfriend you!

July 6, 2014 – This whole thing is ridiculous. What is driving the need other than SHRM revenue?? They face member revolt.

July 6, 2014 – As an executive search professional focused in HR, I can share that over the 15+ years in this niche, over 50% of the resumes I’ve seen (tens of thousands) have referred to their “SHRM Certification” instead of their HRCI certification. The wildcard here is the SHRM brand. It’s huge and HRCI really has little/no brand without a connection to SHRM.

July 6, 2014 – My suggestion, would be that while we are working on stopping SHRM, we should invest more effort to promote the HRCI brand and its certifications programs and how people can get prepared to pass the certification examinations. There are several resources available to study and pass the certification exams. HRCI should produce the presentation slides for this purposes, so that we can share it across the world using several platforms available to us.

July 5, 2014 –  I have spent 35 years in the HR profession, 18 as a certified professional. This issue has jeopardized not only my years of hard work and integrity in the profession, but now put my entire livelihood at risk.

July 4, 2014 – I’d be interested in seeing us create a new alternative association.

July 4, 2014 – I believe the best opportunity we have to influence this will be through a movement in several phases, the first being a campaign of current members en masse deciding not to renew their SHRM memberships, combined with open letters and letters to the Board stating the reasons for the decision.

July 3, 2014 I feel that SHRM has an obligation to its members to collect feedback to support the need for additional certifications or at the least, identify where the current HRCI certifications fall short in order to strengthen them and make them more relevant/valuable, if that is what the data shows is needed. It is bad form for the two premier HR organizations to be squabbling in public.

July 3, 2014 – Prior to giving financial support I would want to see some kind of governance structure in place, preferably creation of a 501c non profit corporation. 

July 3, 2014 – This is just a messy.divorce with all of us stuck in the middle. There will be confusion for the next few years over which certification is more meaningful. But in the end, the market will pick a winner. I believe the competition will make the the winning certification better in the end.

July 3, 2014 – Currently, Global HR Consultant & ex-CHRO/HR Executive. Long-time SHRM member. HRCI volunteer for 14 years on GPHR exam panel.

July 3, 2014 – If things continue as they are, I will probably keep my PHR and maybe get the other certification as well and maintain both. Hopefully my chapter will still be able to get programs approved for both certifications and hopefully SHRM will allow that (it will cause a lot of bad feelings if they try to stop chapters from getting HRCI approval for events as well as the SHRM certification approval). Then we will just see what happens. I really think with the really bad roll out, that SHRM just needs to take a step back and postpone things until they have all their ducks in a row. When you will be able to go to two different sessions at Annual Conference on the certification and get the same answers to questions instead of different ones. More than anything, I think they need to figure out a way to work it out with HRCI and do what is best for the members, instead of money or whatever their motivation is that is causing them to upset the members. If there really is no way to reach a happy medium, then figure out a way to best communicate this to the membership, answering all their questions (correctly), and with their best interest in mind.

July 3, 2014 – Every SHRM member should read a copy of the transparency report

3 thoughts to “What Respondents Are Saying on StopSHRM.org”

  1. The SHRM Board should be replaced and the new certification process stopped. It is a waste of time and money for the members. Can’t believe that SHRM is paying for very expensive TV commercials promoting the new certification process. We will all be paying for the advertisements in our annual dues. I will not support SHRM going forward. My loyalty is with HRCI and their SPHR certification! Stop the madness and fire the SHRM Board team responsible for this ridiculous situation.

    1. I agree that a degree is more vlabaule than the existing HR certifications to the point that I let my SPHR lapse. I periodically consider taking the test again, but I don’t see the point in stuffing my head full of non-critical, semi-useless information. There are no unions in high tech memorizing NLRB rules is simply not a good use of my time but is close to 30% of the test last time I looked I would however like to see a discussion about the most useful type of degree for an HR professional I’m not sure that an HR degree is actually the most useful although I’m sure it depends on the program. I find that in my daily work, I tend to use a combination of statistics, legal knowledge, finance and accounting, basic marketing, and general business operations knowledge. In contrast, my HR degree only covered a sliver of those items and instead consisted of a lot of classes on organizational development and behavior. I’d love to hear the thoughts of others on what the most useful degree specialization would be or what combination of classes would make the ideal HR degree.

  2. Me? I went ahead and got both, but that has to do with my own truckload of self-esteem isuses. Love the article. I’m in an organization that has three regions (East, Central, West) and this debate has a different outcome for each area. One is only interested in candidates that have PHR/SPHR, while other’s look at experience and education. While I have an M.A. in HRM, I got it because I wanted to do recruiting which means this debate would really have interested me more had I entered the field! (I was no longer super pumped for all that hard work when I finished the degree, go figure, but I’ll still study & do the Assurance of Learning exam just to see what happens.)I’m more interested in your comment about self-esteem. Do you recommend any ways of dealing with the unpacking of such isuses with a professional angle? I know you may only be able to point to professional help, but are there any good books you’d recommend or favorite authors lessons? This ties into HR for me because often people need to work on Impactful Communication or first building their voice within their Annual Development Plans. Self esteem ties directly into that, but that can be a personal journey that people may or may not want to write up in a work IDP. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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